Algarteca is an online platform developed by Tertúlia Algarvia, funded by the PRODER programme - Campaign no. 3.2.1. - Conservation and Enhancement of Rural Heritage, which aims to preserve the gastronomy of the region and share it with as many people as possible, thereby helping to promote the sustainability of the inland areas of the Central Algarve.
This project is inspired by the publication “Festa da Gastronomia e das Receitas Típicas das Aldeias do Algarve” (Feast of the Gastronomy and the Typical Recipes of the Villages of the Algarve), published in 2005 by the Commission for the Coordination and Regional Development of the Algarve.
Drawing on this, chef Luís Parreira collected and tested recipes from among the local people of Cachopo, Estoi and Querença in 2012. From this inventory, he selected the four dishes that best represented the gastronomy of each of these villages.
Two years later, it is the turn of the towns of Paderne, São Bartolomeu de Messines and São Brás de Alportel to be the focus of identical research by chef Frederico Lopes, who was invited to be one of the faces of the second chapter of Algarteca, along with Alexandra Caetano and João Santana.
These four culinary professionals introduce us to the most authentic flavours of the Algarve interior, and show us how we can prepare these dishes at home.
In addition to a total of 24 videos of recipes being prepared, this platform includes information about other points of interest in each of the six places, which we invite you to discover, here.